
Things that are Awesome

What in your life makes you happy?

This month at the Muncie OnLocation, Dialogue discussed the things in life that keep us going–the things we love, bring a smile to our face, and bring light into our souls.  It could be something silly, like a new bag of Skittles or vintage Nintendo.  Or it could be something a little more series–a memory of a friend, feeling safe, or the quiet that comes with prayer.

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So what are somethings in your life that are awesome?  What makes your heart happy?  Share with us in the comments below!

  1. Micah
    I got through school today! (although it was hard since we had no delay, so i was tired)
  2. Hannah
    some things that i think are awesome: 1)icicles 2)sunflower seeds 3)grass 4)the smell of laundry detergent 5)the color yellow 6)chapstick 7)the invention of camera's 8)vans (the shoe not the car) 9)scavenger hunts 10)graphic tees
  3. Kimberly
    Today I thought the sunshine was extremely awesome. And the blue skies, beautiful! So i was out soaking up as much vitamin D as possible. I had coffee with a dearly loved friend. I enjoyed shopping and dinner out with my love of almost 20 years. Also, I really liked having avocado on my California burger.
  4. Keith
    -The moment in life when perfect clarity erupts from total confusion -Being part of something bigger than myself -The total serenity you find when you're alone - on purpose. -The total serenity you find when you're not alone - because other people care about you. -Finding your way back to the trail after you are sure you are going to wander in the wilderness for the rest of your life.
  5. kathy
    A relaxing coffee with my bud and a movie with the sweet middle nephew. Just the two of us.
  6. Nick
    Awesome things 1.Me 2.Ninjas 3.Old Friends 4.Swing Sets 5.Suckers 6.Ms Paint 7.Something To Do 8.Mt Dew 9.Fire Flies 10.Music
  7. Jessy
    things i think r awesome; 1.the color white 2.80's movies 3.graphic tees(i'm with Hannah) 4.instant coffee made with milk 5.the word hello 6.snowflakes 7.pandas 8.the smell of white-out 9.nickels 10.the year of tiger
  8. Micah
    6 awesome things: 1. saw friends today 2. survived a whole day of school 3. pizza for lunch 4. pizza for dinner 5. have a picture done in my stories journal 6. posting six things on the best website ever (cant beat that 6th awesome thing can you!)
  9. Jessica
    Thanks everyone for posting!! This ia great! Things I think are awesome: 1. Movies that include cartoons or the muppets 2. A good live show with a really great band 3. A good clever pun 4. Hearing from a good friend after a long time away 5. The city 6. Getting stuff in the mail 7. And seeing god do great things at and through dialogue, of course!
  10. christy
    Things that are awesome......Having a great first date..Loving life again!!!!
  11. christy
    .Having a great first date..Loving life again!!!!
  12. Ash
    1. Jesus 2. When I see something so cool it makes me completely jealous and I want to steal that idea/thing. 3. The announcer for short-track speed skating. "Reeeeeaaaaady." 4. Talking to people from different countries. 5. To Write Love on Her Arms 6. Quaker Oats Granola =D 7. Screaming Celine Dion songs with my best friend in her car and then seeing a leprechaun drive past. 8. Peace signs 9. My Life as Liz 10. When the clouds are so low it looks like mountains off in the distance. 11.... more to come.
  13. Ash
    The fact that our team meeting time says "all day." Tis true...
  14. Ryan
    1. Getting a good idea 2. A good book 3. Starflyer 59 4. Large snowflakes falling at night 5. Nieces and Nephews 6. Watching Sydney drive the lane and score 2 points! 7. Talking to other people who have/are planting a church 8. Peeing outside 9. Sitting in the woods when it's raining leaves and sunshine 10. When Max or Owen pulls on your hand because they want you to play with them 11. Hearing Owen say "Ach-lee" 12. Finding something awesome at Goodwill 13. Camping with your brothers 14. Bluffing on the flop and turn then making your hand on the river 15. Listening to the sound of Dialoguers worship 16. When Sadie brings me a bone
  15. Jessica
    @Ash : 6. Quaker Oats Granola =D AGREED! That stuff is the best. @Micah: Pizza anytime is awesome! I've got somemore 8. The smell of a new bag of fruit snacks. Those things are the best! 9. any kind of show on TV where they show you how to make things (ie This Old House, craft shows, cooking shows, Bob Ross). There's just so much comfort in seeing someone create something.
  16. christy
    Family dinners on thursday nights!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Hannah
  18. Chloie
    1] Those really good stretches in the morning. 2] Breathing in really deep. 3] Painting 4] Art that makes you think. 5] Colors colors colors 6] Hair dye. 7] Epiphanies. 8] Having an awesome song stuck in your head. 9] I think pillows are pretty awesome. 10] Having awesome friends at my awesome church.
  19. Kimberly
    Today.Things that R Awesome: 1. Laughing with my children 2. Creative Team meetings - because they r fun and i love everyone there 3. My Pastor is awesome! 4. Babies and Jr. Highers 5. The smell of spring in the air. 6. Finding an out of print book on Amazon 7. The honor of being asked by a friend to pray for him 8. Seeing my kids growth charts 9. God's Mercy and Grace
  20. Kyle
    being able to go see Alice in Wonderland in 3D at midnight for FREE!!!!!!!!
  21. Ash
  22. Jessica
    @ Kyle: YAY! ALICE IN WONDERLAND! 1. This great weather we're having! 2. Leftover pizza 3. Built to Spill 4. My new nephew, Aadin!
  23. Hannah
    1. obey artwork (obeygiant.com if that just confused you) 2. ice 3. finding a new really cool band to listen too. 4. see my best friend kick butt in a play. 5. reading books that you read as a little kid, forgot about, and then found again.
  24. Brandon
    1.) GOD(surprised noone had that as their number one) 2.) That first pee of the morning 3.) A good steak 4.) Family moments 5.) When you realize your a lot more like your dad than you think 6.) When you do something that makes you feel accomplished 7.) Playing a really expensive guitar 8.) When you sleep so long that you actually wake up naturally 9.) Hearing a song that reminds you of good times 10.) Starbucks! 11.) The smell of fresh cut grass 12.) The first initial jump into Lake Tippecanoe after months of buiding up to it 13.) Being on a boat 14.) Playing with my two 90 pound Golden Retrievers 15.) When you do that one activity of the day that you know just makes you happy no matter how bad of a mood your in. 16.) When you get lost in playing a song on guitar, singing, and worshiping That's pretty much everything on my end.
  25. Micah
    1. SPRING BREAK!!!!! 2. getting ready to run track 3. food (preferably spaghetti tacos............yummm)
  26. Zilynn
    well there are alot of things that are awesome but these are the top ten 1. Jesus and his fam 2. me 3. fried chicken 4. music 5.friends 6.dialogue 7.hangn with micah and eating pizza 8.me and my birthday 9.shopping at goodwill and getting amazing deals whoppie 10.ryan jk mike wash :)
  27. kathy
    Afternoon with the parents
  28. Jamie
    1. God-- I'll have to agree with Brandon! 2. Tulips in the Spring 3. Sunshine and warm days 4. An awesome husband 5. Puppy love-- that is from a dog, I mean 6. Sam's little grunts 7. Sadie's big sighs 8. Days off work 9. Thursday Family Nights with Dialogue 10. Everything with Dialogue!
  29. Jessy
    no homework the way ryan tries to preach 3 sermons in 1day
  30. Tami
    It's not so awesome that I can't sleep, but it is awesome that I discovered Hillsong on TV at this time of night. : )
  31. Jessica
    1. CSS3 drop shadows! It's what makes the right side of this webpage look so awesome! 2. This list that everyone has contributed too! 3. The smell of the air right before a thunderstorm. 4. Easter candy!
  32. kathy
    Tina thanks for sharing. you're awesome :-D
  33. Micah
    kentastic things
  34. Jessica
    Testing the reply function of the comments
  35. Hannah
    Hillsong United Concerts! Leaving home to go on a fantastic trip. Fantastic trips. Coming home after that fantastic trip. Death Cab for Cutie, Pringles. Helping my friend break into her own house. haha colors beyond your standard red blue and yellow.
  36. Jessy
    http://athene-rocks.livejournal.com/630.html my new blog site
  37. Jessica
    Be safe in China, Jessy! Take lots of pictures so you can tell us all about your adventures when you get back :)
  38. Jessica
    Death cab!!
  39. kathy
    Friends who stayed with me and prayed with me at my dad's bedside. I am so blessed.
  40. Micah
    being a part of dialogue
  41. Ash
    Growing up and realizing that there wasn't a better place you could have been than with your family and your home church.
  42. Hannah
    staying in pajamas all day. watching movies with the family. talking about ocd and aladin at thursdays nights.
  43. Jessica
    I missed a conversation about Aladdin?! I love Aladdin!
  44. Chloie
    1 Reading through all these again 2 Transformers! 3 Imagining tattoos I'll never get 4 A good hair day 5 Compliments you've never gotten before 6 Ice breaker games 7 Burger King! 8 My beloved Spieldenner's 9 Getting attacked by amazingly cute dogs when I get out of the car at Ryan and Jamie's. 10 Being a part of something. 11 Reconnecting with some not-so-old friends 12 My best friend of all time talk to me. 13 This freaking website! 14 Jessica in general 15 The song 'Chances' on the radio
  45. Chloie
    ^ the arrow that shows up when you reply to someone's post is pretty awesome.
  46. Jessica
    I know! I figured out how to do that a few months ago. I think it's pretty classy :)

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