
Question Everything

What have you always wanted to know?

Do you every find yourself in that place where it seems there’s more questions than answers in life? Questions about family, culture, spirituality, the Bible, God–it can get a little overwhelming. It’s time’s like these where its hard to even know where to start figuring out how to ask, let alone the ‘right answer.’

At Dialogue, we are looking for those questions you may have–whether they’re about theology, the Bible, Jesus, or spirituality–and through this next series, we will be exploring together what their answers might be.

Submit your questions and join the conversation!

  1. Chloie
    So I had a question. But then I asked Ryan about before I put it on the website... But I still want to use the skinny.... so. Even-though-I-got-my-answer, I wanted to know after Sunday's sermons about all the rules, are tattoo's considered 'okay' or nottttt? I was then explained in more detail that maybe God doesn't like it, but that 'rule' isn't binding anymore. All the rules showed that I can't be perfect. I shouldn't focus on trying to be perfect before God by making my life revolve around not getting tattoos, piercings [too late on that one anyway], etc etc. But to focus in on my walk with God personally. I could come to God with 37 holes in my ears and not an inch of me without ink on it. And He'll still love me perfectly, even though I'm not.
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  3. Jessica
    Yeah, there’s one verse in Leviticus that says “Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the LORD.” (19:28). I’ve always thought of it more like a lot of other cultures at the time, and even now, that used tattoos as religious markers or after battle, etc. and that God created it as a rule as a way to set the Hebrews apart, maybe? When I went to Belgium in college, we worked with a congregation at a Filipino church. I was asked by the pastor of the church if I had gotten my tattoos “when I was in a gang before I was a Christian.” Later, I found out that in the Philippines that tattoos and gangs are almost always exclusive. I think in the times of the Hebrews, it might have been a very similar situation.
  4. Ash
    We can't get tattoos while at HILC. That totally blew my mind, cause a lot of students have tattoos and tons of piercings.

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